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Removing Debian/Ubuntu Packages Installation​

If you installed Bleemeo agent with the standard method, it's installed using your system packaging tools. You could therefore remove it like any system packages.

The following command will uninstall Bleemeo agent:

sudo apt-get remove bleemeo-agent glouton

You may also want to run the following command to remove dependencies that are no longer required:

sudo apt-get autoremove

Finally, you could remove our software repository:

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bleemeo-*.list
sudo apt-get update

Removing CentOS/AlmaLinux/RockyLinux Packages Installation​

If you installed Bleemeo agent with the standard method, it's installed using your system packaging tools. You could therefore remove it like any system packages.

The following command will uninstall Bleemeo agent:

sudo dnf remove bleemeo-agent glouton

Finally, you could remove our software repository:

sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/bleemeo.repo

Removing Fedora Packages Installation​

If you installed Bleemeo agent with the standard method, it's installed using your system packaging tools. You could therefore remove it like any system packages.

The following command will uninstall Bleemeo agent:

sudo dnf remove bleemeo-agent glouton

Finally, you could remove our software repository:

sudo rm /etc/yum.repos.d/bleemeo.repo

Removing Docker Installation​

If you run Bleemeo agent using Docker image, uninstalling agent is as simple as destroying the containers:

docker stop bleemeo-agent
docker rm bleemeo-agent

You may also want to remove the images to free some disk space:

docker rmi bleemeo/bleemeo-agent

Removing TrueNAS CORE Installation​

To uninstall Bleemeo agent from your TrueNAS server, run the following

service glouton uninstall

This will remove all data from Bleemeo agent. Only the ZFS dataset may be left behind, you can safely delete this dataset using TrueNAS UI if you didn't used it for something else.

Removing TrueNAS SCALE Installation​

Use the TrueNAS UI to delete the custom application.

Removing Manual Installation​

If you did a manual installation by following our steps, Bleemeo agent is installed under /usr/local/sbin/glouton.

First, stop Bleemeo agent:

sudo -u glouton pkill glouton

You can then remove /usr/local/sbin/glouton:

sudo rm /usr/local/sbin/glouton