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Agent Installation


System Requirements​

Bleemeo solution uses an agent running on your system. Even if the agent uses standard tools as much as possible, not all systems meet our requirements.

Supported systems are:

SystemVersion RequiredInstallation Doc
Ubuntu24.04 (Noble Numbat), 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur), 23.04 (Lunar Lobster), 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu), 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish), 20.04 (Focal Fossa), 18.04 (Bionic Beaver), 16.04 (Xenial Xerus), 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)Bleemeo Agent Installation
Debian12 (Bookworm), 11 (Bullseye) 10 (Buster), 9 (Stretch), 8 (Jessie)Bleemeo Agent Installation
CentOS8, 7Bleemeo Agent Installation
Red Hat Enterprise Linux9, 8, 7Bleemeo Agent Installation
Fedora40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33Bleemeo Agent Installation
AlmaLinux9, 8Bleemeo Agent Installation
CloudLinux9, 8Bleemeo Agent Installation
Oracle Linux9, 8Bleemeo Agent Installation
Rocky Linux9, 8Bleemeo Agent Installation
DockerAny platform with Docker version above 1.9.0Install Agent Using Docker
KubernetesAny platform with Kubernetes version above 1.17Install Agent on Kubernetes
LinuxAny Linux with Kernel >= 3.2Manual Installation
TrueNAS13, 12Bleemeo Agent Installation
WindowsServer 2022, Server 2019, Server 2016, Server 2012, Server 2008R2, 11, 10, 8, 7Install Agent on Windows

Resource Requirements​

Architecturex86/i386, amd64 or arm
Disk spaceabout 50 MB
Memory70-80 MB
CPU usage~3% on modern amd64, ~5% on Raspberry Pi 2

Network Access Requirements​

Bleemeo agent communicates with Bleemeo cloud using HTTPS and MQTT-SSL. Only the agent initiates the connections. Your firewall needs to allow the agent to open connections for both protocols :

  • HTTPS use the TCP port 443 on
  • MQTT-SSL use the TCP port 8883 on and are not changing very often, but we don't have a firm engagement that these IP won't change in the future.

Standard Installation​

Before installing the Bleemeo agent, please check that you meet the system requirements.

This method only works on Linux and TrueNAS, see below for Windows.

To install Bleemeo agent with our official install script:

  • Login to your Bleemeo account and go to the home page.
  • Run the wget -qO- "<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>&registrationKey=<YOUR_REGISTRATION_KEY>" | sh command on your server. When administrator privileges are required, you will be asked to enter su or sudo password.
  • Agent is installed and configured for your Bleemeo account. You can check it on the Agent list.

We recommend to use our shell script that handles the installation for you:

wget -qO- "<YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID>&registrationKey=<YOUR_REGISTRATION_KEY>" | sh

On Linux this command will:

  • add the Bleemeo package repositories
  • create the configuration file for your account.
  • enable auto-upgrade of Bleemeo agent.

If you want to execute those step manually or integrate them into your configuration management tools (Puppet, Salt, Ansible...), look at

Installation on Windows​

Before installing the Bleemeo agent, please check that you meet the system requirements.

Bleemeo agent can be installed on Windows with a classical installer. An unattended installation is also available.

Bleemeo also provides official images on Docker Hub.

Running with Installer​

Download the installer on Bleemeo.

Run the installer, a wizard will ask you to enter your account ID and your registration key as shown below:

windows step 1windows step 2

Command-line mode​

You can download the installer with curl (Windows 10 or after):

curl -s -o bleemeo-agent_latest.msi

The installer can be run with an option to hide the wizard (this is useful if you are deploying on several servers). Run the following command as administrator on your server:

msiexec /i bleemeo-agent_latest.msi ACCOUNT="my_account_id" REGKEY="my_registration_key" /qr

You need to replace your account ID and your registration key in the command above.

Installation Using Docker​

We recommend installing agent using the standard method or following those instructions if you use Docker. But if those methods don't fit your needs, see manual method which explains how to install the Bleemeo agent with standard tools.

Before installing the Bleemeo agent, please check that you meet the system requirements.

Bleemeo provides official images on Docker Hub and on Docker Store.

Bleemeo Agent is a Docker Certified Container. The Docker Certification program is a framework for partners to integrate and certify their technology to the Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) commercial platform.

Bleemeo Agent is a Docker Certified Container

To deploy your agent, you may use docker-compose or docker run command.

Using Docker Compose​

You need to get the Docker compose file.

Edit the docker-compose file, and set value for GLOUTON_BLEEMEO_ACCOUNT_ID and GLOUTON_BLEEMEO_REGISTRATION_KEY, e.g. something like

- GLOUTON_BLEEMEO_ACCOUNT_ID=91bd2bba-ad84-40eb-9eff-07e5a961285a
- GLOUTON_BLEEMEO_REGISTRATION_KEY=199390d7-8fc7-4a06-b3eb-53e574f5c7a0

Then run Docker compose:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Using Docker Run Command​

Bleemeo agent require some special options needed to monitor your Docker host and other Docker containers:


docker pull bleemeo/bleemeo-agent
docker run -d --name="bleemeo-agent" --restart unless-stopped \
-v /var/lib/glouton:/var/lib/glouton -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /:/hostroot:ro \
--pid=host --net=host --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --cap-add SYS_ADMIN bleemeo/bleemeo-agent

Installation on Debian/Ubuntu with native packages​

Before installing the Bleemeo agent, please check that you meet the system requirements.


We recommend installing our agent using the standard method or with Docker. But if those methods don't fit your needs, this article explains how to install the Bleemeo agent with standard tools.

The agent works with your native packaging tools. For Debian/Ubuntu the agent uses APT and deb package.

Our agent will need your credentials, get them from Bleemeo Panel, click on "Connect your first server to Bleemeo platform" and add them to /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/glouton/conf.d
sudo tee /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf << EOF
account_id: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID
registration_key: YOUR_REGISTRATION_KEY
sudo chmod 640 /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf

Our package repository is signed with the following GPG key:

pub   4096R/FC23F27E 2015-11-25
Key fingerprint = 9B8B DA4B E10E 9F23 28D4 0077 E848 FD17 FC23 F27E
uid Bleemeo Packaging Team <>

Import this key in the APT keyring:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 9B8BDA4BE10E9F2328D40077E848FD17FC23F27E

Our repositories are available over HTTPS, make sure APT is configured to support it:

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

Add our repository for your distribution. For example on focal:

echo deb ${dist_version} main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bleemeo-agent.list

Don't forget to update dist_version=focal to match your current distribution. You may use lsb_release to find the correct value:

$ lsb_release -c
Codename: focal

Finally install Bleemeo agent package:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bleemeo-agent

To enable the optional auto-upgrade feature of Bleemeo agent:

sudo systemctl enable --now glouton-auto-upgrade.timer

Installation on CentOS with native packages​

Before installing the Bleemeo agent, please check that you meet the system requirements.


We recommend installing our agent using the standard method or with Docker. But if those methods don't fit your needs, this article explains how to install the Bleemeo agent with standard tools.

This section covers installation on CentOS, see Install Agent on Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Packages for RHEL.

The agent works with your native packaging tools. For CentOS the agent uses rpm packages.

Our agent will need your credentials, get them from Bleemeo Panel, click on "Connect your first server to Bleemeo platform" and add them to /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/glouton/conf.d
sudo tee /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf << EOF
account_id: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID
registration_key: YOUR_REGISTRATION_KEY
sudo chmod 640 /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf

Add our repository for your distribution:

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/bleemeo.repo << "EOF"
name=Bleemeo Agent Repository

Finally install Bleemeo agent package:

sudo yum -y install bleemeo-agent

To enable the optional auto-upgrade feature of Bleemeo agent:

sudo systemctl enable --now glouton-auto-upgrade.timer

Installation on Fedora with native packages​

Before installing the Bleemeo agent, please check that you meet the system requirements.


We recommend installing our agent using the standard method or with Docker. But if those methods don't fit your needs, this article explains how to install the Bleemeo agent with standard tools.

The agent works with your native packaging tools. For Fedora the agent uses rpm packages.

Our agent will need your credentials, get them from Bleemeo Panel, click on "Connect your first server to Bleemeo platform" and add them to /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/glouton/conf.d
sudo tee /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf << EOF
account_id: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID
registration_key: YOUR_REGISTRATION_KEY
sudo chmod 640 /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf

Add our repository for your distribution:

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/bleemeo.repo << "EOF"
name=Bleemeo Agent Repository

Finally install the Bleemeo agent package:

sudo dnf -y install bleemeo-agent

To enable the optional auto-upgrade feature of Bleemeo agent:

sudo systemctl enable --now glouton-auto-upgrade.timer

Installation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux with native packages​

Before installing the Bleemeo agent, please check that you meet the system requirements.


We recommend installing our agent using the standard method or with Docker. But if those methods don't fit your needs, this article explains how to install the Bleemeo agent with standard tools.

This section covers installation on RHEL, see Install Agent on CentOS with Packages for CentOS.

The agent works with your native packaging tools. For RHEL the agent uses rpm packages.

Our agent will need your credentials, get them from Bleemeo Panel, click on "Connect your first server to Bleemeo platform" and add them to /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/glouton/conf.d
sudo tee /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf << EOF
account_id: YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID
registration_key: YOUR_REGISTRATION_KEY
sudo chmod 640 /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf

Add our repository for your distribution:

sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/bleemeo.repo << "EOF"
name=Bleemeo Agent Repository

In the above code, make sure to change "7" with your current RHEL version. You can see the version from the file /etc/redhat-release or /etc/os-release.

Finally install Bleemeo agent package:

sudo yum -y install bleemeo-agent

To enable the optional auto-upgrade feature of Bleemeo agent:

sudo systemctl enable --now glouton-auto-upgrade.timer

Installation for Cloud Image Creation​

By default when installing the Bleemeo agent, it will immediately start and register itself with the Bleemeo Cloud platform. However this is not wanted when the Bleemeo agent is installed while creating a cloud image (for example an AMI with AWS). In this case the agent should only start and register once the image is used to create a new machine.

To address this use case, the installation script allows to install the Bleemeo agent and avoid its startup and registration while still running on same machine used to create the cloud image.


Using this method will write your Bleemeo account credentials needed for the agent to register itself on the disk. Anyone with access to the image could register a server on your Bleemeo account.


Before installing the Bleemeo agent, please check that you meet the system requirements.

To install the Bleemeo agent while creating a cloud image:

  • Login to your Bleemeo account and go to the home page.
  • Take the wget [...] | sh command and add &cloudimageCreation=1 to the parameters.
  • Run the resulting wget -qO- "<YOUR ACCOUNT_ID>&registrationKey=<YOUR_REGISTRATION_KEY>&cloudimageCreation=1 | sh command on your server. When administrator privileges are required, you will be asked to enter su or sudo password.
  • The Agent is installed but won't start while still running on the same machine. It will only start and register itself for each new machine created from the image.

Agent Manual Installation​


We recommend installing our agent using the standard method or with Docker. But if those methods don't fit your needs, this article explains how to install the Bleemeo agent with standard tools.

  • The Bleemeo agent doesn't need to be run as root, so it's better to create a glouton user:
sudo adduser --system glouton
  • Download the Glouton binary and install it
wget$(uname -m).bin
sudo mv glouton-linux-$(uname -m).bin /usr/local/sbin/glouton
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/glouton
  • Create a configuration file in /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf with the following content:
account_id: <YOUR-ACCOUNT-ID>
registration_key: <YOUR-REGISTRATION-KEY>
state_file: /var/lib/glouton/state.json
facts_file: /var/lib/glouton/facts.yaml
  • Ensure this file has limited access:
sudo chown glouton /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf
sudo chmod 0640 /etc/glouton/conf.d/30-install.conf
  • Create a folder for the state file, and make sure the bleemeo user can write in it:
sudo mkdir /var/lib/glouton
sudo chown glouton /var/lib/glouton
  • Then start the agent. Depending on what you prefer, you should create a init.d script, systemd service or configure supervisor to run the agent.

    To run it in foreground:

sudo -u glouton /usr/local/sbin/glouton