🎉 About Bleemeo Community Edition
The Bleemeo Community Edition is the Open Source and self hosted version of the Bleemeo monitoring solution.
- Prometheus compatible
Glouton exposes a Prometheus metric endpoint and SquirrelDB supports remote Prometheus storage and PromQL queries.
- Robust and horizontally scalable
SquirrelDB and the Ingestor are designed to be scalable.
- Push model
A push model instead of the Prometheus pull model makes data collection more firewall friendly and easier to scale.
- Secure
All communications can be encrypted and authenticated.
It is composed of three main components:
- Glouton: a powerful monitoring agent, that exposes relevant metrics about your system and all services and containers running on your server.
- SquirrelDB: a scalable and highly available timeseries database.
- SquirrelDB Ingestor: forward metrics sent by Glouton over MQTT, a standard messaging system, to SquirrelDB.
And some third party components:
- Cassandra: a distributed database used for SquirrelDB long term storage.
- NATS: a high-performance messaging system used as a MQTT broker by Glouton to send its metrics. The MQTT protocol is much lighter in terms of resources and bandwidth than HTTP, which is commonly used in Prometheus.
- Grafana: display the metrics and provide alerting.
Install and configure these components to have a fully working monitoring infrastructure.