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How to Define a Custom Metric

Bleemeo agent can relay your custom metrics to the Bleemeo Cloud platform. There are several ways to gather custom metrics:

Add custom check​

The Bleemeo agent can check that your custom application is alive. It can use a built-in check (HTTP and TCP), a Nagios check command, or check for a running process.

To configure additional check, add the following to your Bleemeo agent configuration (/etc/glouton/conf.d/50-custom-check.conf):

- type: "myapplication"
port: 8080
check_type: "nagios"
check_command: "command-to-run"
- type: "custom_webserver"
port: 8181
check_type: "http"
- type: "process_check_name"
check_type: "process"
match_process: "command-to-check"

Reference for Custom Check​

Custom check are defined under service in the configuration.

Add to your configuration file (any *.conf file in /etc/glouton/conf.d/):

# Use "/path/to/bin --with-option" to check the service. Also keep a
# TCP connection with, if that connection is closed run
# a check immediately instead of waiting 1 minute.
- type: "service_name"
port: 8080
address: ""
interval: 60
check_type: "nagios"
check_command: "/path/to/bin --with-option"

# HTTPS check to URL
- type: "an_https_server"
port: 8443
check_type: "https"
http_path: "/check/"

# TCP check on
- type: "another_service"
port: 22

# Process check for Docker daemon
- type: "process_check_name"
check_type: "process"
match_process: "/usr/bin/dockerd"

Custom checks are run every minutes by default. If port is provided, Bleemeo Agent maintains a TCP connection with this port, and if that connection is closed the check is run immediately.

Fields are:

  • type: Name of your service. This name must be unique for one Bleemeo Agent.

  • port: TCP port number. This field is mandatory if check_type is not "nagios".

  • address: IP address associated with the TCP port. Default value is "".

  • interval: the delay between two consecutive checks in seconds (the minimum and default value is 1 minute).

  • check_type: Check used for this service. Possible value are:

    • "tcp": The default, it checks that a TCP connection could be opened to given address/port.
    • "http": It checks that an HTTP request on given address/port has a status code 2xx or 3xx.
    • "https": Same as HTTP check, but using HTTPS connection. Certificate are not validated.
    • "nagios": It use check_command to test liveliness of service.
    • "process": Check that the process defined in match_process is running.
  • http_path: The path of URL checked with HTTP or HTTPS check_type. Default value is "/"

  • http_status_code: The expected status code of HTTP response (only valid if check_type is HTTP or HTTPS). Default is unset.

    When set, the check pass if the response status code is equal to the expected one and critical in other case.

    When unset, if response status code is

    • strictly less than 400, the check pass
    • between 400 and 499 (both included), the check is warning
    • greater or equal to 500, the check is critical
  • check_command: Command used for a Nagios check. This field is mandatory if check_type is "nagios".

    The command must conform to Nagios check standard, that is:

    • Successful check must exit with a return code of 0
    • Warning check must exit with a return code of 1
    • Critical check must exit with a return code of 2

    In addition, the command may print to stdout a short explanation of its result. For example if a check fail to connect to your service, the check may print: "CRITICAL - connection refused"

  • match_process: Regex to match in a process check. It supports regular expressions with the RE2 syntax.

    If no process matched, or if all matched processes are in a zombie state, the check is critical, else it passes.