Twilio (SMS)
Integrate with Twilio (SMS)β
Bleemeo can send a message with Twilio.
To create integration you must fill 3 parameters:
- your account_sid. It's located in your live credentials, if you need help: Twilio settings
- your auth_token. It's also located in your credentials.
- your Twilio phone number, if you need help: Twilio phone numbers
Add an integration from your integration settings page choose the type Twilio and copy your account_sid, auth_token and your phone number:
Notify with Twilio (SMS)β
Bleemeo can send a message with Twilio.
To create a rule from your notification page, choose the Twilio created in the drop-down list of the integration and you must fill one parameter:
- Enter the phone number that will receive notifications.
Here is an example bellow: